Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Drew's top tooth has been hanging by a thread for weeks. It gives me the creeps. Today was the day that drastic measures were going to be taken. Auntie arrived and we decided that she could tie the tooth to a door and yank it out. I'm pretty sure that that rarely works but she was gung-ho anyway. But...

I'm thankful that Drew's tooth FINALLY came out. And it came out on the bus with a little help from his seatmate....who apparently isn't creeped out by a dangling tooth. I'm grateful that this time Drew didn't lose the little dentin nugget to the black hole that is the sink drain or swallow it down his gullet.

I'm thankful that my sister is here....and she brought goodies. Really good goodies. For me and the boys. (pictures tomorrow. today we had no sun. And no sun means no pictures. Unless I buy lots of fancy lamps.)

I'm also thankful for homemade pizza, smoothies and apple crisps. And Kai is thankful for those things, is evidenced by this picture.

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