Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Trouble With Boys Is...

Apart from the stitched and glued up skin (Owen and Drew) and the chipped teeth (Drew) and the missing tooth altogether (Kai), I believe my boys are living a healthy and balanced life. It is I who has lost all balance and some of my sanity!

I've infused my wardrobe with as many girly things as my budget will allow and I wear a very feminine scent daily......even though nobody notices or cares. I notice and I care! So when I'm pouring salt on a slug on the driveway or forcing a smile and a pleasant "thank you" when I'm handed a gift of a giant bug from a grimy hand; all I have to do is take a wiff of my perfume and know that not all of my femininity has been drowned in this sea of masculinity.

I've composed a short, and personal, list of things entitled....

"You Know You Live with ALL Boys When..."
(I warn you, it ain't pretty.)

You hear a veritable symphony of toots coming from the back of the van,
enough to resemble a high school drum line at the football half-time show.
a chorus of giggling.

the loudest giggler is the big boy driving the vehicle.

You just never know what will be dismantled, disfigured, flushed, blown up, modified, melted or "fixed" next.

You always have a front row seat to a WWF show.

Occasionally you have to do the wrangling and wrestling yourself.
Kai has challenged me to a center ring fight more than once.
And he's in the heavyweight division.

You have four toilets in the house and I only use the one in my room
which remains off limits to all but me.
I believe that little boys are only meant to go potty in wide open spaces.
Let me tell you, some of my sanity has been lost to the fumes of my bleach cleaner.

My Men. I can't live with them. And I can't live without them.


CYNDI said...

You are such a beautiful Mama to your brood of little men. Let them grow up rough and tough and stay beautiful and refined yourself. I think I need more pink in my wardrobe, too.

just jen said...

to everything you said, amen!

i love that b&w wonderful!

Alison said...

So I was just sitting here thinking, "Well, I may have 4 boys living in my house, but at least I have my girly Lucy."
Then I read that part about the toots and lost all hope. Lucy's the most gaseous of them all. Maybe you and I should escape to some girly spa somewhere and wear all pink and eat very girly food.