Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

**Photo sizes are a little crazy. Still trying to figure a few things out with a few different programs.

With all the complaining and belly aching that I post on my not-so-private family journal, I've
decided to infuse a little cheerfulness so that my posterity won't think I'm a grumpy, petrified old stick in the mud. So every Thursday I shall try to list some of the happiest thoughtful thoughts I can think. Hopefully one day, if my boys read my ramblings, they will know that their Mama loved her life staying home with them.....well, most of the time.

I am thankful for.......

Boys that recognize my vocal acumen by requesting

"The Star Spangled Banner" (Drew)...
"Santa Clause is Coming to Town" (Owen)
for their bedtime recital.

when they aren't my own.

Brothers who find the fun in everything...

and nothing.

Husbands who always carry their fair share of the "family business"....

and then some.

Big boys that say (after an overwhelming orientation),
"I thought you should hear some good news, Mama.
I'm really excited about my Kindergarten class."

Squeals of delight...
on the baby swing.

A carefree childhood.

They'll be grown up soon enough.

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