Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Fallen Hero Part 1

I suppose he can't help it. It really is a difficult job being super. At times, an almost insurmountable task.

History is littered with heroes that couldn't take the pressure and fame that comes with the job. They make a mistake and in the blink of an eye go from famous to infamous.

And so it goes with Captain Owen. He is now just plain old "Owen."

Every super hero has a weakness. Superman had kryptonite and Spiderman had Mary Jane.

Owen has.... brownies.

Perhaps it was the fact that his super-cape was in the washing machine that allowed for the moment of weakness. Whatever the cause, the damage was done.

The "fall from grace" tale begins as follows, on a cold winter's morn.....

We had been stuck in the house following a winter storm. The snow had lost its appeal and turned to treacherous ice. There was no preschool and no gym. The Super Dad had been trapped in the Pentagon under a tremendous workload and had been getting home after midnight. So there was no "Daddy Diversion." (Too bad Captain Owen couldn't swoop down and rescue him!)

We only had each other for company and amusement....and it was starting to wear thin!!!

I employed the diversionary tactic of making brownies. And the boys were completely in charge. They cracked the eggs, stirred the batter and waited anxiously for the fruits of their labor to cool.

After lunch we had a great, gooey chocolaty treat and everyone was satisfied.

But in a moment of insanity, the Mama decided to do something for herself and was not on her guard. Owen slipped away undetected.

That is NEVER a good thing!

Moments later, from behind me, I hear Owen exclaim in a sing-song voice, "Hey you guys! I got some brownies for you!"

I didn't even have to turn around to know that this was bad.

Real bad.

There, clutched tightly in his grubby hands, were fistfuls of brownies squeezed into unrecognizable lumps of chocolate goop.

We followed the crumbs back up the stairs, through the living room and into the kitchen. There was the pan of brownies with a large crater in the center of the once even surface.

Owen was required to get the dust buster (which was purchased specifically because of him) and suck up the remnants of our morning project that had been scattered around the house.

His heart was in the right place. But every hero has his vice.

I'll just blame it on the missing cape.

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