Friday, October 3, 2008

Mission Impossible

The conditions were not perfect.  The rain had been splashing down all day forcing three energetic boys and one tired Mama to be cooped up together without escape. There were feeble attempts to make the best out of a terrible situation but those attempts fell flat.  

We had been at odds all day. Because of the rain I took the boys to the airplane museum.  One of their favorite places.  The museum is basically a gigantic airplane hangar with planes and helicopters on the ground and hanging from the ceiling.  All of those hard surfaces make for a great echo when a 4 year old decides to pitch himself to the ground and scream at the top of his lungs.  Believe me, the reverberation is impressive! 

The airplane museum was the last straw for me.  I vowed to never take him anywhere again!  I vowed to keep him in his room for 2 days!  I vowed to take away his toys!  These were silly, childish and empty threats on my part but it felt better just to say them.   

I got to this rainy Friday evening and I looked at my sweet 4 year old and something scary happened.  I forgot why I liked him!  (I knew that I loved him.  I just forgot why I liked him.)

Something had to be done.....and quick!!!

So a special date was set up to restore everyone's spirits.  Most of all, mine.

We brushed our hair and I touched up my make-up for the date with my biggest little man.  As I was preparing for our picture to make this time even more memorable and special, I looked out in the rain to see my boy running around the yard with excitement.  I had to stop myself from saying, "Get in here!  You're getting wet!"  What was occurring was actually quite profound.

Drew was reminding his tired and grouchy Mama why she liked him and just how much she loves him.  He had already forgotten that I had yelled at him too many times to count that day.  He had even forgotten that I had made it evident I didn't want to play with him that day.  Drew had already forgiven me before I had even considered forgiving him.  

Drew's dash in the rain was the pure joy and excitement of a child who knew he was about to have my undivided attention (and some tasty treats!).  

We had a wonderful date.  

Lesson learned.

Mission accomplished.


roque said...

That is so sweet! ...and so true.

Spencer Family said...

I've been there more than once. It never occured to me that that would happen before becoming a parent, but, sad to say, it does. It's nice when you get the glimpse of their innocense that puts things back into perspective though.