Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Did I Just Say That?

As a relatively new parent I know that I don't know it all.  Unfortunately for my children (particularly the oldest), this is an on-the-job-training kind of a job.  You can read the books, search the internet and talk to your own Mom, but mostly you are on your own on the parenting front lines.  Sometimes I feel like the Commander-In-Chief... but, more often than not, I'm the PFC. (For all you non-military types, that is the lowest rank you can be!)

There are a few things that I sort of expected I might say as a parent.  (Although I swore as a child I never would!)  I thought I might say things like...
"Because I said so!"
"Because I'm the grown-up...that's why!"
"Stay in your room and think about what you've done."
"You can't have any dessert until you eat your vegetables."
"I'm only doing this because I love you."  (Which, in all honesty, never made sense to me as a child.)
I NEVER thought I would hear myself saying....
"Owen, we don't wash our hands in the toilet!"
"Owen, please take your taquitos out from between your toes!"
"Owen, NO, you can't go potty on the fire hydrant in the yard!"
"No, Owen, you can't take a shower with me....even with your swim goggles on!"
"Owen, stop licking the slide!  Do you know how many bottoms have been on it?"

Sometimes life throws you a curveball.  In my case it's named Owen.  


Spencer Family said...

You are too funny!

roque said...


Ginny and Ben said...

Marilee - where in DC are you? I grew up in Oakton, Virginia - in Fairfax county. My fam is all still in the DC area. Expensive and crowded...just like CT. Of course, where you lived in Ct was a whole different world from where I lived. I'll bet you miss it. We just miss all the people.