Friday, May 16, 2008

Hold That Thought...Again

Oh, to be young and carefree again!  This picture of Owen reminds me of what a good summer day should be like.  Chillin' out, kickin' back on your cycle, scraped up knees, just taking it all in.  I snapped this shot in a rare moment of stillness for Owen.  I had to capture the moment before it was gone!

Some people speculate that your memory goes out the window when you have children.  I have been testing that theory for about four and a half years now and I have a different hypothesis.  I believe your memory gets better... only you have more things swimming around in your brain that it takes a while to fish the thought out.    I mean, you have to have a great memory or else you would never finish a conversation!

For example, it took me and Jay approximately 1 hour to discuss something that would normally take 5 minutes without the hooligans.  In that span of time we stopped and started that simple conversation about 5 times because Drew needed a drink, his lost sock, and had to ask a few questions.  Owen needed to change his pants that were covered in sidewalk chalk and had to be scolded for trying to escape the front yard.  And Kai just needed a diaper change.   Jay and I did our tasks and came back to our talk right where we left off.  This all ran like clockwork and it wasn't until we finally finished that conversation that we realized just how amazing we are...the ultimate multi-taskers!

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