Saturday, May 3, 2008

The One-Armed Woman

Currently I am typing this with my one free arm. No, it isn't in a cast or up in is holding a nursing baby. And I couldn't be more content about it. It is a skill, really, that I'm quite proud of. (Besides, I still type faster than Jay with two hands!) I can do many things with one arm. I can talk on the phone, put on my clothes, pour a glass of juice, make a sandwich, and even change a 2 year old's diaper while holding a newborn. It should be an Olympic sport!

It has taken me having my third baby to realize that you can't get these moments back. Now I wish I had cherished those times more completely. Before I know it these boys will be bigger than me and when they have a heartbreak I won't be able to pick them up and hold them.

This time is for them. This is the time in my life when I get to kiss scraped knees and make a million peanut butter sandwiches and step on a Matchbox car with my bare foot. This is the season of my life where I don't get a paycheck but I get a grubby handful of Dandelions as payment. I no longer get applause and standing ovations but sloppy kisses and snaggle-toothed smiles.

I am blessed to have this job. My 3 bosses are a hoot! They let me come to work in my pajamas and don't complain when my job performance is sub-standard for a day (or a week). They teach me a lot of patience and how to laugh at a mess and how to readily forgive. Lessons I never really learned until I came to work for these three guys.

So I sit here with a sleepy and well-fed baby and I realize I would rather type with one hand on the keyboard and one arm around a warm little guy than be doing anything else at this moment.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

wait! is this really the first one? i've read all the way back to the beginning? why did it seem that this should have started when you were pregnant with your first boy? (i would have been pregnant with mine too) then i really could just change the names and pics and use it as my own blog. of course, i lack your wit and ability with words, but who would know? love it marilee. i will be stalking you for updates twice daily, at least. suzanne (bigelow)