Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Musings

We've had a great spring weekend. Our yard is infested with caterpillars and the boys are fascinated and even a bit obsessed with them. Drew has brought a few into the house as presents and Owen has stepped on a few with his bare feet (to which he replies, "I smash him!") Jay insists that these types of gross behaviors are typical of little boys. I just think it is typical of all boys...big and small. You never grow out of a fascination with the creepy crawly if you are male! I'll have to get used to it.

Mother's Day began with a breakfast that I didn't have to cook...yippee! And roses that always make my table look elegant, even if it is crusted up with dried oatmeal and yesterday's ketchup! I've given up thinking that my house can be really clean for one full day. I now settle for no dishes in the sink and no dirty diapers left on the floor. That is a victory if I can accomplish that. I'm getting better at it! I vow to never apologize to anyone for the messiness of my house. If they think it should be cleaner they can clean it themselves! :)

Every day is Mother's Day at my house. I get to be a mom every day and I have the privilege of talking to my mom just about every day. Too bad I don't get breakfast in bed and roses every day!

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