Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Little Love Letter

Dear Husband:

Oh, how I love you so!!

I love your thick and meaty hands.
I love that you dream with me about future home plans.

I love that you make homemade ice cream.
And that together we make a good team.

I love that you work so hard
Carefully sculpting and manicuring our big giant yard.

But with every love story there has to be this,
There has to be something to banish our bliss.

There is something I just cannot stand.
If you try real hard, you'll understand...

I DO NOT love your soda cans!!!!!!!

I do not love them here:

or there:

I do not love them

I find them in the sink and car.
It's like our house is a soda bar.

Please don't think my feelings are rash....

But I rarely find soda cans in the trash!!!!

Our baby hunts them high and low.

The caffeine drug, he shouldn't know.

So consider this your final strike.

I've banished soda day and night.

You will not find them here:

Or there:

You won't find soda

I love you still
It's for the best.
'Cause I want our marriage to stand the test!

So its me or the cans,
One has to go.

I've spoken my peace

And now you know!


Alison said...

Oh I love love this! My favorite photo is that stinky naked babe chugging the soda. Thanks for making my day.

just jen said...

i thought it was just going to be a sappy love note, but was AWESOME!

thanks for the laugh.

Brooke said...

Love it, Marilee! You want to write one for me about Travis' socks? :)

The Browers said...

that totally made my morning. you are one talented lady, and had me giggling! have a great day...

The Browers said...

"hooked on the junk again, huh?" - Brent Brower

Johnsons of Haymarket said...

You'll have to let me know if writing a poem works for husbands with bad habits. I may just have to try it! Very cute!

Kathy said...

Oh my gosh Marilee... THIS IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! I would really love to use this letter for my husband too. This little can problem seems to run in the Spencer family! I'll bet many wives must deal with this... THIS POEM REALLY SHOULD BE PUBLISHED!!!!!

Tiffany said...

Ha Ha!!!! This is so funny.
I love it. You are so cute. I miss you.