Friday, January 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It is hard to see the images of the destruction in Haiti and not reflect upon my own good fortune.  The other night I watched the news and listened to the stories of desperation and despair from my cozy, warm bed.  After I turned off the light and was drifting off to a peaceful sleep I heard Kai cry.  Like any good mother, I crossed my fingers and wished like a 6 year old blowing out birthday candles, that I wouldn't hear another wail.  But, alas, as his cries escalated to screams of "Mama! Mama!" I went in to get him and put him in bed between me and Jay.

As he snuggled in and struggled to go to sleep he would occasionally reach over and put his chubby, round hand on my cheek and say, "Mama."  (That just about made up for the fact that he was in our bed in the first place!) I knew he felt content and safe and happy, as every child should.

I was so thankful to be able to provide him with the basic things every child deserves.....a warm bed, loving parents, healthy food, medicine if he needs it, a happy home and comfort when he feels afraid.
I'm thankful I don't live in Haiti and sad that there are mothers there who can't comfort their children as I comforted Kai.

I'm thankful Jay has a great job. (I keep repeating that to help me get over the anger of the hours that said job robs me of seeing him!) And I'm grateful for these flowers that appeared after a particularly difficult day.

I'm thankful for this view of the sunrise from my bedroom window that reminds me that I'm lucky to have another day to raise my children and love my husband and to remember to try, try, try to enjoy the fun AND the challenges of each new day.


The Browers said...

thank YOU for the reminders.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for a wife and family that provides the support I need in all I endevor to do.