Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's the Little Things

Often times in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I forget that little things matter. Little moments. My days are made up of a series of little moments that often go unnoticed, unacknowledged or passed over because I'm too frustrated with life's nitty-gritty "have-to-do's". I'm kind of tired of the have-to-do's, so I'll focus on the lesser known "little things that matter."

For example, today when Drew was at school and Owen at preschool, Kai and I went to Target. As we walked hand-in-hand into the store I glanced down at my little boy dressed smartly in his navy blue pea coat and noticed that he was sauntering. He had a full on swagger! A gait that said, "Look at me! I'm out-and-about with my lady and I'm a big boy and I want everyone to know it!" He was proud to be walking instead of carried and his face was shining as brightly as the autumn sun above.

It sure wasn't a big thing. But I'm learning to realize it's the little things that matter. And that moment mattered. So it goes on my list of very important little things.

And tonight after I sang "I Am A Child of God" for the 4,249th time, I had a request from Owen that I stay in his bed "for a tiny bit." After a few moments of silence I asked him to tell me something happy. I expected that he would speak of his Lego's or bike or the cake ball that he had for his tasty treat. (Oh, yes. I made cake balls. They were divine.)

Instead of those very predictable answers he came up with something that I've added to my list of "very important little things." Upon putting his hand on my heart he said, "I love your heart."

Couldn't you just melt?

After another moment of silence his hand moved a little bit to the south and he added this: He said, "And I love your squishy things."

That won't be making the list.
(Owen looking crazed.)


Alison said...

He he. Squishy moms are the best. Nice and comfy.

William said...

Great perspective!

As far as Owen...well...all I have to say is, some things are inbred. lol

The Browers said...

wow. that was just great. he is something else.