Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Peach Pickin'

In order to squeeze the last remaining drops of fun out of summer (and in an effort to assuage my guilt over being too tired to do much these past few months), I took the boys to Hartland Orchard to pick some peaches.  It was a hot and steamy affair, even at 9:30 in the morning.  And the bugs were so plentiful that we were picking more of those from our hair and eyes than we were picking peaches from the trees.  

Some boys had a knack for picking peaches with enough bruises and blemishes to rival Kai's forehead.

And another boy chose the peachful surroundings to do a little communing with nature.  

Hauling around their bags of fruit quickly lost its luster and I could tell we were in for a sprint and not a marathon at the orchard. 

But we got what we came for:  A little fresh air, beautiful scenery, a change of pace and 2 pecks of peaches and one peck of apples. 

Unfortunately for me, the peach skins are not the kind that like to go without a fight and the de-skinning process that was supposed to be a family affair looks like it will be me fighting the fuzzy orbs with a vegetable peeler.  It is a fitting farewell to my arduous summer.  I am looking anxiously ahead to our eventful fall!

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