Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Somebody

I've plopped down in front of my computer no less than a dozen times to write this entry and I just can't seem to find the right words to say.  This is probably because most intelligible language leaves my brain after dinner when I've already had to come up with about 325 thousand different words to try and get Owen to take a bite of his cantaloupe.  Cantaloupe!  The candy of the fruit family.  (My knowledge of the English language can't help me today....there is still a lonely piece of cantaloupe sitting on his plate downstairs in the kitchen.  His dinner now becomes his breakfast.  And the circle of my life continues.)

When words fail me I need not look too far for assistance.  Drew is always ready to fill in the blank when I can't seem to say it right.  In a rare moment this week, when I wasn't wrangling Kai or drowning in the piles of little boy clothes that seem to lurk around every corner, I took a walk with my boys that was actually peaceful.  And right then and there Drew said what I've not been able to say for 17 weeks (at least on this blog).

"I'm really glad we have another somebody coming to be in our family."


I said it.  (Or Drew did, if I'm being accurate.)

Another somebody.

The final piece of our puzzle.

Another little hand to hold.  Another personality to get to know.  Another sibling for my boys.  Another voice to add to the already deafeningly loud chorus of opinions.  Another solid reason why we humbled ourselves and purchased a mini-van almost 2 years ago.  (Go Honda!)

I'm anxious and excited and nervous for a billion different reasons.  (Most of which I'll chronicle here at a later date....for posterity's sake.)  Mostly I want 10 fingers and 10 toes and all little baby bits and pieces in the right places, functioning the way they should, ready to be kissed and cuddled by me.

Another somebody.  I like the sound of that.


Alison said...

Oh Yay!! I can't tell you how excited for you I am. If anybody in this world should have more kids, you guys should! Yay! (We're secretly hoping to see what a little girlie Spencer would look like.)

Gina said...

I'm excited for you and your family! Nothing like a fresh babe from heaven! :)

Spencer Family said...

I was so excited when Jeff told me you were expecting, putting the risks aside, of course. The world needs another mini-Marilee and mini/Jay combo! You just can't find that kind of perfection these days. :) Please know, many blessings and prayers are sent your way in hopes of a safe and "uneventful" pregnancy. Love you lots!

Spencer Family said...

I was so excited when Jeff told me you were expecting, understanding and putting all risks aside, of course. The world is in dire need of another mini/Marilee and mini/Jay combo. You just can't find that kind of perfection anymore. :) Please know, many blessings and prayers are sent your way in hopes of a safe, healthy, and "uneventful" pregnancy. Love you lots!

The Browers said...

so, so happy.
so happy.