Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Days, Snow Days These Are....

Wednesday  02.03.10
Another school day canceled and book club luncheon (and gab fest) postponed.

Snow ice cream devoured by boys and neighbors. Tasting very sweet with a hint of something else....don't worry, it wasn't yellow snow.  It just had a unique "organic" taste in the background.

A fire, warm and crackling, to thaw out chilled toes and fingers.

Popcorn picnics in their jammies watching "Ice Age:  Dawn of the Dinosaurs."

Nachos for lunch with a side of hot chocolate topped with canned whipped cream (or a "squirt" as Owen calls it).

Dinner by candlelight (because candles have a calming affect on my boys and by that time I needed some calm).

A flyover by an Uncle piloting a Huey from Andrew's Air Force Base, circling our house like we were fugitives (those under 5 feet qualify, in my opinion)....my boys have TWO helicopter pilot Uncles.  They feel like the coolest kids around.  And they are. 

Friday  02.05.10

Then the BIG ONE hit.  The "snowpocalypse" as it has been called.  Over 2 feet of snow dumped on us in the space of 30 hours.  We (but mostly Jay) shoveled our 200+ foot driveway 8 times.  He certainly gets my vote for the strongest most hard working man around. Hefting around snow and kids is a lot of work!


Alison said...

Oh I love the tossing photos. And good choice of movies. Did you cheer for Jake in the credits?

Robyn said...

i love love love those pictures!

Johnsons of Haymarket said...

I love these pictures too! Didn't that hurt though? The snow aint that soft!

The Browers said...

oh man, those are great photos. kai mid air is just the best!

Spencer Family said...

You take the best pictures! My kids would be so jealous if they knew how much snow you were getting.