I LOVE the beach!
I ate only minimal amounts of sand and shells and didn't get carried away by the manatees and dolphins that were swimming in front of us!
I got lots of attention from some nice ladies on the balcony that confessed that they enjoyed watching me play every day. They said it has been a "real joy and pleasure." Who knew that being a celebrity would be this great?
I discovered a mangrove seed washed up on the beach. Actually seeing anything below my considerable girth is an accomplishment! I had a very good time figuring out what to do with the funny looking thing.

Perhaps I shall conduct a symphony...

Do a little taste testing...
Maybe play a little "Yankee Doodle" on my recorder...

Perfect my Sherlock Holmes impression...

When in doubt, it is always a good idea to stick whatever you can inside your belly-button.
p.s. I heard Mama say that she didn't really want to publish these pictures of me because she can't figure out how to edit them to make them look better. Apparently, Photoshop is NOT her friend and she's ready to give up on the whole post-production side of photography. That being said....I think I look downright dashing and adorable, even if the exposures aren't exactly right! I'm only one year old, I don't need editing!!!