Monday, September 8, 2008

Before and After

The first picture is of us at Mt. Vernon over Memorial Day weekend.  The next picture is of Jay a few weekends ago.  He looks amazing!!!  And he's still losing!  I'm so proud of him and need to take a page out of his book.  My days of using the "I just had a baby" excuse are swiftly coming to a screeching halt.

On a side note....I notice that my boys are always a little "off" in pictures.  One is looking one way, the other is on the ground, one is pulling up his shirt or yanking on his brother.  I think I'll start carrying duct tape in my camera bag!  At least you get an accurate picture of how daily life is with my 3 hooligans.  


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I can now "see" you all the time! Just click on my comment and it will take you to our blog. It's that easy!

Tell Jay hello for me!

adam said...

hey! ok, so I'm not a bad friend, I promise. Tell Jay I deleted VM on accident and don't have his number. Can you have him call me or send me an email or something? We miss you guys.

you can send the email to this address: adam clyde @ yahoo . com (minus all the spaces, of course)

Darleen said...

Marilee--I just saw your comment on one of Julie's post. So I thought I would drop by and say "hello". Oh my goodness, Kai looks exactly like Owen. How are you guys doing?