If I could bottle this up, harness this energy, tap into it's power...I would solve the world's energy crisis in a snap. No more bickering and bantering politicians and conflicting scientific reports. In fact, this could even get Al Gore to shut his mouth!!!
The alternative energy source which I speak of is a little bald-headed, squishy bottomed, chubby cheeked, fat footed baby!
Ooo, I'm just in love with this kid! He's got me addicted and Jay is even worse. There is just something mesmerizing about him.
I get requests from perfect strangers to rub his head. I hear comments and oohs and aahhs as he smiles and "chats" with people in the stores.
Kai is delightful and wonderful. But........
He goes too fast!
What baby wears holes in the feet of his pajamas? (see above)
He rolled over at his doctor's appointment when he was 8 days old. The doctor thought it was a fluke until he did it 2 more times. The doctor smiled and clapped.
I cried.
Kai was crawling around the house on his 5 month birthday. Not just crawling, but speed crawling. I can hear the "slap, slap" of his hands on the hardwood floor as he darts around the house looking for fallen cheerios or cell phone chargers to corrode with his slobber.
And then there are the times when Kai gets down to business. He lowers his head and goes into aero-mode.....full steam ahead. Jay refers to him as the silver fox. The only drawback to this particular crawling style is that, with his head down, Kai fails to look both ways before he crosses the kitchen. We've had more than a few collisions with the wall when Kai is in aero-mode.
And now there is the walking. On Christmas Day he took his first steps. Every day he walks more and more and more. I see less and less of my little silver fox and more Frankenstein as Kai toddles about with his arms outstretched in front of him.
Can I stop time? Can I just delay it for a while?
He didn't stay a baby for long.
The future is calling....they want him. But they can't have him without a fight .