Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Birthday Wishes

I won't be getting candles this year (pretty sure open flames are banned in the hospital) so I thought I might post my Birthday Wishes.  I hope that putting them out there doesn't mean they won't come true!

This year, I wish for....
  1. A romantic getaway with Jay.  All by ourselves.  Someplace different and far.  Maybe with a snowy slope or a sandy beach.
  2. Patience with myself (and the hooligans and hooliganette) as my body heals.
  3. Magical parental genius-ness to know how to seamlessly integrate Cora into our lives.  (And to keep her safe from Kai.)
  4. My next dose of Percocet.
If I am going to be held to making only the three traditional wishes (I thought that this year I might deserve a pass), than #4 gets bumped up and I'll do without the parental magic this year.

I'm serious.  Pain management is important......I'm buzzing the nurse.